Knowledge. Value. Result.

The goal of AGORA Institute is to support the professional development of organisations, leaders, and employees.

Our highly qualified trainers and consultants have extensive experience in corporate and individual training and consultancy. If you want to prepare for future challenges, develop your employees' skills, and believe only in measurable results, discover how our 14 years of experience can support you.

Our solutions

We provide personal, online, and hybrid training to help participants acquire new skills, elevate existing ones to a higher level, and maximize their efficiency.


I'll check


I'll check

Corporate training

I'll check

Open training

I'll check

Agora Method©

I'll check

training area


internal trainers, consultants


years of adult education experience

About the AGORA Institute

14 years of experience.

Market leaders in organisational and leadership development.

A team of 15 in-house trainers, consultants and coaches.

95% of our partners are recurring, 0% of them contacting us for the same issue again.

Participants would recommend our trainers for our development programs with an average rating of 9.5/10.

3,000+ training sessions, workshops, organisational development programs, coaching sessions, and workshops held.

I LAND = Our unique online gamified skill development software has been signed up by 200+ companies in the last 2 years.

100% of the clients who used our proprietary AGORA Method© have become repeat partners.

International projects.

15+ multinational companies are our long-term partners.

100% of the defined strategy has been successfully implemented with our large corporate partners over the past 3 years.

We take responsibility for ensuring that the solutions recommended by AGORA Institute are measurable and effective.

We transform our clients’ organisations into learning organisations, ensuring that once a problem is solved, it doesn’t reappear in the company’s life.

The professional content of our training programs is tailored to your company, building on the latest, results-oriented, international knowledge base.

Market leader in stress management and individual performance.

Our team

Our trainers work with 5-30 years of experience, utilizing the latest training market trends and development methods. They achieve goals through interactive, engaging, and effective teaching methods, delivering personalized, real solutions for challenges in every case.

Our core values, which guide us:
honesty, loyalty, responsibility.

About us they said

5 éve dolgozunk együtt az AGORA Intézet kiemelkedően felkészült, mindenben rugalmas és együttműködő tanácsadóival. A soft tréningektől a hard szervezetfejlesztésig a legkülönbözőbb területeken támogatnak bennünket. Gyümölcsöző kapcsolatunkat a jövőben tovább folytatjuk, sőt bővítjük.

Mészáros Szilvia

HR vezető, Unilever - Algida Veszprémi gyáregység

Az AGORA Intézettel az együttműködésünk valóban kivételes élmény és fejlődés számunkra. Nem csak figyelembe veszik angol nyelvű, soknemzetiségű csapatunk egyedi igényeit és kulturális különbségeit, de egyedülálló a megközelítésük, és az egységes szakmai megvalósítást is tökéletesen kivitelezik.

Popovics Milán

AME EMEA Director - Grundfos Magyarország

A GINOP pályázat keretében az AGORA Intézet gamifikációs szoftverével, az I LAND-del biztosította a teljes állományunk készségfejlesztését. Sikeresen 5 fő soft készséget fejlesztettünk a legmodernebb módszerekkel. Az I LAND-del kapcsolatban sok pozitív visszajelzést kaptunk a kollégáktól.

Patak Andrea

HR igazgató - HUNGEXPO Zrt.


We work with partners in different areas and sectors. We work with international multinational companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as organisations in the competitive, health, government and not-for-profit sectors.

The leader's task is to look to the future and see the organisation not as it is, but as it should be.

Jack Welch