Specific example

Employee satisfaction assessment using the AGORA Method©

Consider how many organisations—whether multinational corporations, SMEs, or even startups—initiate development projects or start internal resource-based initiatives based on intuition or insufficiently substantiated data.

“We need to increase sales volume; the sales team should receive training as soon as possible.”
“It has been a long time since the last leadership training; it’s high time for a new development program.”
“Last year’s team-building event was missed; this year, we must organize something for the team.”

We believe this is a common issue faced by HR and development managers. According to our experience, any intentional intervention—whether organisational development, training, or strategic consulting—must target specific levels of the pyramid and impact them. If a development initiative does not address the appropriate levels, it results in wasted resources and increased organisational burden without achieving the desired goal.

The pyramid shown here illustrates the logically interconnected components of a well-functioning organisation.

6.Strategy-supporting goals
5.Strategic actions, sub-strategies
4.Corporate strategy
3.Organisational culture, organisational life cycle
2.Vision, mission
1.Organisational values

1. Organisational Values

In most cases, an organisation’s values can already be found on its website. Our goal is to investigate whether these values are truly implemented in daily operations.

  • Are the organisation’s values known from top management down to employees?
  • Do the values manifest in decisions that affect the organisation’s internal life or relate to the external environment?
  • Can the values serve as a reference point in performance evaluations, promotions, or conflicts?
  • Are the values appropriately managed, or are they merely marketing communications projected outward?
  • Do we measure employee satisfaction regarding these values?

The quality and authenticity of organisational values can significantly influence an employee’s commitment. When employees identify with these values, loyalty increases.

6.Strategy-supporting goals
5.Strategic actions, sub-strategies
4.Corporate strategy
3.Organisational culture, organisational life cycle
2.Vision, mission
1.Organisational values

2. Mission/Vision

  • Does everyone understand why we were established and where we are headed?
  • Does a well-articulated and authentic vision drive employee satisfaction?
  • What impact does it have on the loyalty of Generation X, Y, and Z?
  • Are employees able to proudly share their organisation’s vision with their surroundings?
    (For example: “I want to work for a company that launches red cars into space.”)
6.Strategy-supporting goals
5.Strategic actions, sub-strategies
4.Corporate strategy
3.Organisational culture, organisational life cycle
2.Vision, mission
1.Organisational values

3. Organisational Culture, Organisational Life Cycle

The components of organisational culture should be assessed and measured at least once a year. These components, without claiming to be exhaustive, examine areas such as communication, decision-making, branding, and responsibility.

  • What do you think would happen if we asked all employees to rate these components on a scale of one to ten?
  • Would there be any areas with an average rating above 7?
  • Are there any areas with an average rating below 3?
  • When was this last measured?
  • What actions were taken, and what projects were initiated to improve these averages?
  • Where are their outstanding results communicated?
  • What stage of the organisational life cycle are we currently in?
  • Are the symptoms I observe as a leader or employee consistent with this life cycle?
  • To what extent does organisational culture influence employees’ commitment to the organisation?
6.Strategy-supporting goals
5.Strategic actions, sub-strategies
4.Corporate strategy
3.Organisational culture, organisational life cycle
2.Vision, mission
1.Organisational values

4. Corporate Strategy

  • If we asked the organization’s responsible leaders to describe the strategy for the next 3-5 years, how similar would their responses be?
  • What measurable indicators would they associate with it?
  • If they do not have a unified understanding of the strategy, how can they effectively communicate it down the line, and how does this affect their key decisions?
  • From the perspective of employee satisfaction, what should be communicated to employees about the organization’s strategy, how often, and with what level of detail?
6.Strategy-supporting goals
5.Strategic actions, sub-strategies
4.Corporate strategy
3.Organisational culture, organisational life cycle
2.Vision, mission
1.Organisational values

5. Strategic Actions/Sub-strategies

  • Given the organization’s 3-5 year strategy, how well is it broken down into sub-strategies for each organisational unit?
  • Is there a quantitative and qualitative relationship between the organizational strategy and the sub-strategies of the organizational units?
  • Who harmonizes and measures this within the organisation?
  • How can we measure the contribution of my organisational unit’s achievement of its goals to the larger whole, and how does this relate to employee engagement?
6.Strategy-supporting goals
5.Strategic actions, sub-strategies
4.Corporate strategy
3.Organisational culture, organisational life cycle
2.Vision, mission
1.Organisational values

6. Strategy-supporting goals

  • Are there defined indicators for each job role that serve to achieve the organisation’s goals?
  • How well can an average employee—whether in a leadership or subordinate position—know on a given day that they have done their job well and can go home feeling happy, satisfied, and proud?
  • In what form does the employee receive feedback on their daily performance?
  • In your organisation, how transparent are the metrics, regardless of organisational hierarchy? How often do underperformers “dismiss themselves,” and how often do high performers “promote themselves”?
  • What impact do visible indicators of job success have on employee satisfaction?
6.Strategy-supporting goals
5.Strategic actions, sub-strategies
4.Corporate strategy
3.Organisational culture, organisational life cycle
2.Vision, mission
1.Organisational values

7. Tasks

  • Are daily tasks aligned with the job descriptions?
  • Do the required attitude, competencies, and knowledge for completing tasks exist for each job role?
  • Is the necessary infrastructure in place for performing tasks?
  • Do leaders’ behaviors positively influence employees’ success and work morale?
  • Do the trainings and workshops provide real assistance for employees to perform their jobs more professionally?

If you found yourself shaking your head or answering “no” during the playful example above, feel free to reach out to us. You may benefit from the AGORA Method©, which has already proven effective in many multinational organisations!

6.Strategy-supporting goals
5.Strategic actions, sub-strategies
4.Corporate strategy
3.Organisational culture, organisational life cycle
2.Vision, mission
1.Organisational values