Stronger company. In 4 days.

We transfer 14 years of unique organisational development experience and knowledge to your top executives, allowing problem-solving, strategy formulation, and communication within the organisation to advance more in 4 days than in the past 4 years.

The AGORA Method© methodology aligns not only with the company\'s global values but also with local needs, taking into account the current development level of the organisation. With the involvement of AGORA Institute, our development processes have significantly accelerated. The atmosphere of the workshops is joyful and inspiring, while we learn a lot about ourselves and each other. I highly recommend it!

András Soós

International Strategic Director - Unilever

One small step for leaders, one giant leap for the organisation.

During the 4 days, company-tailored organisational development, your leaders will not only acquire immediately applicable knowledge, but also master a scientifically based, complex organisational development knowledge system, that will elevate your organisation to the next level.

Compass instead of a labyrinth

Where should your organisation go next, and how should it proceed? Which developments have the greatest impact on growth, and which are unnecessary? These are just some of the questions you’ll get answers to.

People pulling in the same direction

Tasks, goals, strategy, values – we analyze all seven levels of the organisation and resolve uncertainties, ensuring fewer internal conflicts and more peaceful nights.

Measurable growth

Instead of empty promises, results measurable in profit, efficiency, and growth, based on international benchmarking systems and metrics.

AGORA Method© is like an organisational GPS. After a comprehensive and complex organisational diagnosis and exploration of the organisational lifecycle, it provides laser-focused solutions to unique problems and challenges, contributing to the greatest possible development.

Tamás Pintér

  1. Resolution of organisation-specific lifecycle issues becomes possible.
  2. Development areas are identified and prioritized.
  3. Organisational loyalty is strengthened.
  4. Objective foundations for managerial and employee satisfaction are established.
  5. The employees’ vision for the organisation’s future is clarified.
  6. A more structured organisational operation is created: different organisational units will operate under a more unified set of expectations and norms.
  7. Organisational values become known to everyone, and these values can be managed both internally and externally.
  8. The relationships and communication among organisation members improve.
  9. Specific development projects and strategic measures, recognized from the 11 components of organisational culture that need development in the given organisation, are jointly developed and accepted, broken down to job roles and tasks.
  10. Goal setting and task assignment become unified within the organisation.
  11. The organisation becomes capable of interventions appropriate to its current lifecycle and subsequently transitions to the next organisational lifecycle.

  1. Learns their place and role within the organisation.
  2. Understands the organisation’s problems and emerging symptoms, and their resolution, and can communicate this consistently to the organisation’s employees.
  3. Becomes familiar with the organisational lifecycle model.
  4. Gains insight into the components of organisational culture and is able to manage, develop, and plan in alignment with them.
  5. Becomes capable of professionally setting goals and tasks.
  6. Develops a vision for their role within the organisation, leading to increased commitment to the company and its clients.
  7. Experiences the significance of synergies and added value arising from collaborative work.
  8. Learns about the impact of corporate culture elements on them and the benefits of aligning with a unified set of norms.
  9. Communication and information flow between different levels of the corporate hierarchy become more effective.
  10. Strengthens their leadership role.

Explore the AGORA Method© approach using a specific example

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Organisational development in 4 days, tailored to you

Pre-workshop assessment and consultation

We discuss the client's needs to design the development program, tailoring the program's content accordingly. Following this, we finalize the organisational development workshop’s agenda through further consultations, if needed.

First day

Exploring commitment to the organisation, symptoms and values

Measuring commitment

  • To assess the organisation’s current state, participants are asked to rate, on a scale of 1 to 10, how likely they would recommend their company as an employer to their friends and acquaintances.
  • We then collect suggestions on what is needed to improve this rating, identifying current operational barriers and challenges.
  • We review and evaluate these organisational issues, prioritizing them from the most critical to the least significant from a senior management perspective.

The goal of this section is to identify organisational symptoms and gauge the current level of commitment to the organisation, all within an atmosphere of honesty.

Organisational values

  • Organisations, like people, go through various lifecycle stages. Each developmental phase has characteristic operational modes and faces specific, often unique problems, which must be addressed to progress to the next organisational lifecycle stage. These behaviors and traits can be typified and developed.
  • The constant goal is to ensure sustainable growth and maintain a growth trajectory.
  • The program prepares participants to identify the lifecycle stages of organisational units, providing knowledge on the organisational lifecycle model. Participants learn about the characteristics of these stages, along with typical problems and opportunities associated with them.

In this segment, we will deepen the understanding of existing organisational values and ensure they are practical and actionable. These values aid in decision-making where formal policies may not provide guidance.

Determining organisational lifecycle stage

  • Based on a presentation on organisational lifecycles, participants, with detailed knowledge of problems, opportunities, challenges, and characteristics, will accurately determine the current lifecycle stage of the organisation and its subunits.
  • We ask each leader from every single subunit to individually mark in their workbook which stage their unit, the organisation, and the parent company are currently in.
  • By comparing and aggregating these assessments, we can determine how uniformly the organisation operates from this perspective and how well the issues and symptoms listed in the first section correspond to the typical and extraordinary problems of the identified organisational lifecycle stage.

Second-third day

Understanding the organisational mission and culture, and a small group workshop

Organisational Mission

The organisational mission defines why the organisation was established, while the vision indicates where it is headed. If these two elements are not aligned, employees cannot fully embrace the organisation’s purpose and goals – despite these being the key to loyalty.

The 11 Components of Organisational Culture

Participants will review, process, and evaluate the following 11 elements of organisational culture in small groups using the Open Space technique to see how they manifest in everyday life:

  1. Branding (symbols, visual appearance, jargon, externalities, marketing elements, buildings, locations, vehicles)
  2. Relationships and communication (quality, quantity, planning, predictability, effectiveness)
  3. Shared values / norms / traditions (accepted by everyone)
  4. Known and accepted goals / strategy / vision
  5. Collective experiential knowledge / knowledge base
  6. Principles for selecting, welcoming and integrating new wmployees
  7. Employee training / development
  8. Talent development and leadership selection
  9. Power / decision-making authorities
  10. Status / hierarchy
  11. Performance evaluation, praise / sanctions

For each element of organisational culture, an average score will be created based on how group members classified them according to their own criteria. Scores above seven are considered particularly good, while those between 1 and 4 hinder daily operations. Here, we will ask participants for specific development suggestions, which are expected to come mostly from the areas with the lowest average scores, while only a few will relate to areas showing high averages.

Fourth day

SMART goal setting, prioritization of development areas, and concrete project generation

S.M.A.R.T. goal setting

With the S.M.A.R.T. technique, participants receive practical support for setting clear and precise goals. They will learn and practice the five criteria for task assignment and goal setting: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound planning.

Prioritization of Development Areas

  • Based on the average evaluation scores, participants will establish the order of development areas through importance weighting, collaborative work, and consultancy assistance. They will assign project owners to these areas, who will be responsible for the respective segments.
  • This increases the effectiveness of project implementation and fosters engagement and commitment to the projects.

Generation of Concrete Development Projects

  • Using the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting method introduced in the first session, participants will define specific project objectives, deadlines, responsibilities, and allocate resources.
  • Since the participants are senior executives, they will make responsible decisions on-site to initiate the projects that emerge.

Competencies acquired during the training

Discovering and understanding organisational lifecycles

Managing tensions arising from organisational culture

Comprehending the functions of organisational values and authentically representing them

Learning and understanding the functions of mission and vision

Enhancing strategic thinking and goal achievement effectiveness

4 years worth of organisational development in 4 days

Sign up for our free consultation and discover Agora Method©'s unique development program tailored to your company.

Tamás Pintér

Managing director, senior trainer-consultant

[email protected]
+36 1 1234 5678