Change management training

‘Change is hard, uncomfortable, and frightening. These are the signs that we are evolving.’ (Bernie S. Siegel) - Through Change management training, participants learn how to effectively manage changes within the organisation, employing tools to gain employee support and facilitate flexible adaptation.

For whom do we recommend our Change management training?

Change is often necessary for development, but it can trigger negative emotions and resistance from employees. Effectively managing change is a critical aspect of leadership. When changes are announced, leaders will encounter employees who are neutral, enthusiastic, or resistant. For a successful transition, leaders must convince their teams that the change is not only necessary but also beneficial. Research shows that convincing at least 30 percent of employees is crucial. This Change management training is designed for leaders who frequently face resistance and feel their teams are too attached to established routines. It helps leaders understand the underlying reasons behind employee behavior and provides effective tools for motivating and managing them.

Results of Change management training

During the program, participants explore the psychological curve of change, which clarifies the stages employees go through following a change announcement. They will understand the reasons behind employees’ feelings and reactions. For each stage of the change curve, participants receive tools to accelerate and effectively manage the transition. This will make the process more cost-efficient, reduce turnover, and lead to higher effectiveness, allowing employees to feel a sense of ownership, become committed, and engage in the change process with renewed motivation.

Themes and process of the programme


The nature of change and the challenges of managing it.


Understanding the change curve.


How to sell the change and win people over to the cause?


A változás elfogadtatása.


The impact of leadership attitude on change.


Leadership responsibilities during change.


Complex change management in practice.


In-Person / Online

Recommended group size

8-14 participants


0,5 day - 2 days

Available in

Hungarian / English

Change management consulting

On request



Recommended for

Any leader who drives and oversees change, and every employee whose daily tasks are affected by the change and who has emotional reactions to it

Have any further questions regarding our Change management training?

Please provide us with your contact details and our training expert will reach out to you shortly. Or feel free to contact them via one of the options below!

Tamás Pintér

Managing director, senior trainer-consultant

[email protected]
+36 1 1234 5678