Excel basics training
Excel training for beginners, from the basics.Learn the most important Excel functions with the help of our instructor, step by step
For whom do we recommend our Excel basics training?
This introductory Excel training is ideal for those with little to no experience using Excel. Understanding and mastering the basics will help you efficiently handle Excel and use it as a valuable tool for various tasks, whether personal or business-related. The basics learned during the Excel basics training can be useful for those who wish to explore and leverage Excel’s advanced features in the future.
Results of Excel basics training
During the course, you will learn the basic functions and tools of Excel, such as cell formatting, using formulas and functions, managing spreadsheets, and more. With Excel, you can handle data more efficiently, create and edit spreadsheets, charts, and graphs, making it easier to interpret data. Proficiency in Excel can help streamline tasks like managing invoices, budgets, or project management. Excel knowledge is often a fundamental requirement for many job roles. Acquiring these skills can enhance your competitiveness in job interviews and workplace promotions. Mastering Excel is the first step toward learning more advanced data analysis methods.
Themes and process of the programme
Excel first steps /Opening Excel, workbooks and worksheet cells, data entry./
Formatting Cells /Text formatting, number formatting./
Functions and formulas /Basic formulas: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Functions: SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN./
Charts and graphs /Selecting data; creating charts./
Saving and printing /Saving a worksheet: choosing save location and file name; printing settings and page range selection./
Advanced functions /Nodes and tables; pivot tables; conditional formatting./
In-Person / Online
Recommended group size
10-20 participants
1-2 days
Available in
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