Fundamentals of project management training

In organisations, ensuring consistent operations is crucial for maintaining quality. It guarantees customers a uniform experience, regardless of when or by whom their service is provided. Our Fundamentals of project management training, based on organisational lifecycle and project culture, focuses on tailored competency development, enhancing operational transparency and efficiency.

For whom do we recommend our Fundamentals of project management training?

For organisations where projects have been executed and multiple individuals are involved in project work, and while these activities are integral to the organisation, they currently serve more as supplements rather than forming its core. Projects are managed internally but not consistently, leading to incomparable outcomes, and there is uncertainty about necessary changes for greater effectiveness. Varying perspectives among team members contribute to a lack of unified terminology and cohesive approach, causing projects to slip. Both project outcomes and individual performances are difficult to measure. Customers experience dissatisfaction due to inconsistent service delivery, as their experiences vary based on who handles their cases. Standardization of operational practices according to organisational lifecycles is essential for ensuring consistent quality.

Results of Fundamentals of project management training

Key players of the organisation participating in the training will use the same techniques and approaches, ensuring high service quality. This fosters a unified mindset and terminology, enhancing efficiency and operational transparency. Monitoring becomes simpler, and individual projects run more smoothly. A routine develops, improving internal process quality. The positive impact extends throughout the entire organisation. Standardized processes accelerate the onboarding and integration of new hires. Customer satisfaction significantly increases.

Themes and process of the programme


Compiling a competence list based on discussions with the leader and the head of the department. Identifying observations and typical issues they see.


The length of the training is defined by the type of operation the leader envisions for the future, and the specific competency areas that require improvement to achieve this vision.


We work with internationally recognized competence concepts from the International Project Management Association.


Agreeing upon specific methods that are mandatory within the organisation and train employees on the standards to be applied in the future.


It's important to have as many participants present in the training as possible, especially those actively involved in the process (project managers, key personnel).


In the training, we discuss methods in a coherent framework, providing participants with an integrated network of methods.


Topics include goal setting, time planning, controlling mechanisms, as well as tracking projects and motivating people.



Recommended group size

8-16 participants


2-6 days

Available in


Support for developing a project management handbook

On request



Recommended for

Project managers who feel they cannot work efficiently due to their environment

Have any further questions regarding our Fundamentals of project management training?

Please provide us with your contact details and our training expert will reach out to you shortly. Or feel free to contact them via one of the options below!

Zoltán Tóth

PM business unit leader, senior trainer-consultant

[email protected]
+36 1 1234 5678