Organisational life cycle development

Every organisation functions according to its own life cycle, characterized by its problems, preferences, shortcomings, and communication style. Therefore, they require development and communication tailored to their current life cycle stage. Through Organisational life cycle development, the organisation formulates a strategy appropriate to its age, prepares with thoughtful KPIs for transitioning into the next cycle.

For whom do we recommend our Organisational life cycle development?

The program is designed for leaders encountering challenges and unsure if they require intervention, or are inherent to the organisation’s life cycle. It aims to prevent resource wastage and unnecessary expenses, preempting futile development projects. The workshop is also recommended for senior executives aspiring to establish and operate efficient automated systems, with the goal of advancing the organisation to maturity.

Results of Organisational life cycle development

Employees within the organisation recognise and correlate issues with the life cycle. The organisation distinguishes genuine problems from life cycle traits, enabling targeted responses to actual challenges. Internal development projects become streamlined and purposeful. They formulate an age-appropriate strategy and prepare for the next cycle with thoughtful KPIs. Through the program, participants clarify their own and their colleagues’ roles, standardising operations within the company. Operational differences between the organisation as a whole and its units diminish, aligning norms and expectations.

Themes and process of the programme


Understanding the organisational life cycle model.


Determining the life cycle of the company and its various organisational units.


Defining and selecting the appropriate advisory model.


Distinguishing between symptoms and problems.


Identifying archetypal problems.


Defining the real challenges.


Organising the transition into the next organisational life cycle.



Recommended group size

5-20 participants


1-2 days

Available in

Hungarian / English

On request

Expert study



Recommended for

Top executives, middle managers and key personnel

Have any further questions regarding our Orgnaisational life cycle development workshop?

Please provide us with your contact details and our training expert will reach out to you shortly. Or feel free to contact them via one of the options below!

Tamás Pintér

Managing director, senior trainer-consultant

[email protected]
+36 1 1234 5678