Stress management training
According to the EU-OSHA report, 50% of workplace absences are caused by stress. Furthermore, 85% of all industrial accidents are linked to the personal and workplace issues of employees. Therefore, Stress management training holds significant importance for each individual facing the challenges of modern life.
For whom do we recommend our Stress management training?
Stress is an increasingly pervasive global issue, linked to workplace burnout, various health problems like hypertension, a rise in sick days, and increased turnover rates. Its detrimental effects impact everyone, often due to the daily bombardment of stimuli individuals encounter. No job position is immune to this phenomenon. Supporting employees in coping with stress is essential for employers, as constant anxiety and nervousness can reduce motivation and work efficiency. Stress management training is universally recommended for anyone seeking to learn strategies for stress prevention and management.
Results of Stress management training
AGORA Institute analysed the results among thousands of employees who completed the training, finding a significant decrease in resignations, turnover, and sick days. Employees learn to skilluflly navigate their emotions, effectively shielding themselves from the negative effects of stress. Participants realize they play a pivotal role in shaping their own lives. They avoid burnout, and for those already affected, they gain access to effective strategies for improvement and resolution. They regain their motivation, leading to an enhancement in workplace performance. As a result of Stress management training, they can apply their newfound knowledge across all areas of their lives, leading to an overall improvement in their quality of life.
Themes and process of the programme
The eight-day program thoroughly covers the topic of stress, starting from prevention and progressing to problem resolution.
The first two days focus on prevention.
Prevention involves interactive exercises and situational practices.
During the prevention phase, we focus on identifying factors that could potentially trigger stress, subsequently influencing our future actions. One notable factor is our thought patterns. Exploring and bringing these thoughts to a conscious level is addressed at the outset of the program.
Inadequate communication, such as aggressive behavior, has the potential to induce stress. Consequently, an assertive communication module is an essential component of the program.
Participants receive feedback on their dominant communication styles and recommendations for necessary adjustments.
They also gain understanding of the origins and strategies for managing different communication styles.
Conflict resolution plays a prominent role.
The focus of the program's second part is on resolving stress situations with minimal negative consequences, if stress has already emerged.
Understanding the definition and process of stress.
Identifying typical defense mechanisms specific to individuals.
Assessing the participants' toolbox for managing both harmful and non-harmful stress, and their effectiveness in handling stress situations.
Adjusting future perspectives related to burnout. KIP exercise (kataim imaginative psychotherapy) led by a trainer with a degree in psychology.
Ajánlott csoportlétszám
14-16 fő
Fejlesztési idő
2-8 nap
Megrendelhető nyelvek
Magyar / Angol / Német
Igény esetén
Szakértői vélemény
Fejlesztési forma
Mindenki, vezető és beosztott egyaránt
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